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Get Rich with Dividends

The latest entry in the best-selling guide to dividend investing

In the newly revised third edition of Get Rich with Dividends: A Proven System for Earning Double-Digit Returns, bestselling author and investing strategist Marc Lichtenfeld delivers a proven and reliable guide to realizing substantial returns—without taking on undue risk—using dividends. You'll learn to generate significant income with the author's sensible and low risk 10-11-12 System.

In the book, the author demonstrates techniques that won't require you to babysit each and every investment, freeing you up to enjoy more fulfilling pursuits as your nest egg and income streams grow steadily. You'll also find:

  • Proven techniques to generate 12% average annualized returns over the long term
  • Ways to make dividends the cornerstone of your investment and income strategy
  • Methods for reducing risk and increasing returns at the same time

An essential resource for retail…