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Scott Hahn's Study Guide for the Lamb' s Supper

In The Lamb’s Supper, Scott Hahn connects the Catholic Mass with the early Christians’ understanding of the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, explaining that the mystical visions of heaven found in Revelation can shed light on the sacrifice and celebration of the Eucharist. This message helps readers to more fully understand their faith, and the book is widely embraced by readers around the world.

With this new companion book, readers—both individuals and groups—now have everything they need to further deepen their engagement with, understanding of, and enthusiasm for Catholicism’s central and defining Sacrament, the Eucharist. With his Study Guide for The Lamb’s Supper, Scott Hahn adds summary and key points, scriptural references, excerpts from Church teachings, songs of praise, and questions for reflection and discussion for each section of the original to supplement, complement, and…