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Why Politics Fails

A leading political expert explains why systems fail to deliver things we all want—democracy, equality, solidarity, security and prosperity—and what can be done to create a just, equitable, and environmentally sane society.
The dawn of the twenty-first century had the promise of a golden age. The economy was stable and growing, social peace seemed possible, and technology appeared benign.
The past years have awakened us from this complacency.

  • We have long known what needs to be done to save the world from climate disaster. Why do we continue on the path of self-destruction?
  • The immense wealth of the United States should make poverty a historical curiosity. Why is income inequality growing and the scourge of poverty increasing?
  • The vast majority of people around the world want to live in a society with democratic values. Why is democracy receding? Why is it so hard to get - and keep - the world we want?
    Ben Ansell,…